You can use Landscape to perform many common system administration tasks easily and automatically. Here are a few examples.

The best way is to use upgrade profiles, which rely on access groups.

If an access group for your file servers already exists, simply click on its name. If not, you must create an access group for them. To do so, click on your account, then on ACCESS GROUPS. Specify a name for your new access group and click the Save button. You must then add computers to the access group. To do that, click on COMPUTERS, then select all your file servers by using a tag, if one exists, or a search, or by ticking them individually. Once all the computers you want to add to the access group are tagged, click on the INFO menu choice, scroll down to the bottom section, choose the access group you want from the drop-down list, then click the Update access group button.

Once you have all your file servers in an access group you can create an upgrade profile for them. Click on your account, then PROFILES menu following the Upgrade profiles link, and then on the Add upgrade profile link. Enter a name for the new upgrade profile, choose the access group you wish to associate with it, and specify the schedule on which the upgrades should run, then click the Save button.